Saturday, 27 May 2017

Custom Dissertation Help: 23 Tips to Finish Dissertation Quickly and Easily

It’s a myth that Custom Dissertation Writing Help takes years to complete. In reality, it does not if you find the right strategies to get organized and speed up the process. So here we have compiled a list of suggestions to help you overcome various physical, intellectual and emotional hurdles on your path to attaining a degree. We understand that every individual has different perspectives and a distinct way to carry out a work. Keeping this in mind, we have put up few most effective tips that seemingly work on everyone. 

1.   Start early with the process
If you start early with writing a dissertation, you will ultimately achieve a better project progress relative to the time you invest. Moreover, it is also true that better writing and motivation comes early in the program. To keep yourself on a writing schedule for large projects, you might want to employ automated deadline calendar that ensures that you stick to your pre-planned timeline. 

2.   Learn to be a super-skim
Skimming is an art. If you master the art of doing skimming, remember you will cut down the invested time in half. How to do skimming? It is very easy if you understand the following steps. 

·         Size-up what you are reading:
Ask yourself the following questions,
1.    What do you already know about the author, his/her work? What is your take on the views of the author(s)?
2.    How recently the work was published? Will you use it as an example of the latest cutting-edge researchers’ work or as a benchmark for the 20 years of research?
3.    Have you gone through other’s perspective of the text?
4.    What is the main point of the text?

·         Figure out how much text fits in your overall goals:
You may build the thesis on the work of the author and extend it further with evidence to make your unique contribution. You need to know how relevant the text is and also determine how much time you need to spend on the text. 

·         Determine which sections to read slowly, quickly and skip entirely:
After determining the relevancy of the text, you should be able to decide which chapters and sections of a book or article are relevant to the overall goals and which ones you can skip entirely. Therefore, you can avoid reading unnecessary chapters. 

·         Know your degree program requirements:
Create a list of the program requirements and check each requirement off after completing it. Pay attention to the items that are only to be done at intervals. Moreover, keep checking the program requirements as it can alter with time. 

3.   Choose an advisor who has a reputation for being helpful
You may have an advisor who boasts in-depth knowledge of the subject. But he/she may not capable of providing right advice to you. Then you should give a thought about changing your advisor and choose someone who is capable and competent and have your best interest at heart. 

4.   Focus on your dissertation topic
It is noticed that one of the biggest problems that scholars face while developing a dissertation is choosing a dissertation topic. They often come up with a too broad a topic as a consequence and it becomes difficult to conduct research and gather material. It is important that you can sum up your thesis in one sentence. If it is taking two or three sentences, the thesis may need revision. Having a properly focused topic does not necessary happen immediately. However, it helps you limit your research. 

5.   Track your time
Many online websites help you to stick to pre-planned schedule. However, you can try stopwatch technique as well. Set a definite amount of time for working every day. Use a stopwatch while working on a dissertation; stop the timer when you are not working on it. Don’t stop working for the day until you hit the quota. You might also try pomodoro management technique. 

6.   Keep a victory log
It is seemingly insignificant, but when if you don’t, you will think that you are not making any progress. You can try these on a weekly or monthly basis whichever way you feel comfortable. You often try something new in your Custom Dissertation Writing Help, it is frustrating, but feels wonderful when it works.

7.   Keep your inbox super organized
Sort messages into folders immediately after receiving it. For example, you could categorize your folders under the names of Advisor, Research, Teaching, Meetings, Events, Conferences and Social. Mark messages that you cannot read after getting it in your inbox.  

8.   Find when you are most productive
People have different working habits. So you need to determine when your energy level and creative quotient stay high. That’s when you need to carry out your task. For example, you feel more focused in late afternoon, that’s’ when you should go through the tedious tasks of Custom Dissertation Writing Help. 

9.   Do the hardest task first
Start the day with the hardest task and stick to it until it is finished. We are more productive in first half of the working hours. Remember to pick first that will make the biggest contribution to your PhD. 

10.             Overcome perfectionism
Reaching perfectionism can be a desire for everyone. But it is also painful at the same time and also a waste of time. If you only aim for meeting standards, your life will be a lot more easier. So discard the obsession for perfection. 

11.             Right before going to sleep, think about the hardest problem
Before you go into sleep mode, think about the hardest problem you faced or more perplexing text that needs more clarification. When you wake up, you may have clearer ideas. But remember that it could lead you to insomnia. It works best when you go a little earlier than necessary. 

12.             Put motivational quotations on your bathroom mirrors
Among the many motivational quotes, you can use, ‘Don’t stop when you get tired, stop when you are done’. ‘Do something today that your future self will thank for.’ You can use remarks of some eminent personalities as well. ‘Do nothing, say nothing and be nothing’ (Aristotle). ‘Go confidently in the directions of your dreams, live the life you have imagined’ (Thoreau). ‘Strive not be a success, but rather to be of value’ (Einstein). 

13.             Consider success as the steps to success
Benjamin Franklin said, ‘I did not fail, I just found out 100 ways to do it wrong.’ Wrong answers are not a dead end in researcher’s life. It is only a turn that you need to take in order to find success. Discovering the ways that do not work in your situation represents that you are making progress towards reaching success in the course. 

14.             Check when you are tired
It can be possible that someday you are too tired to write something. You don’t have to push yourself although you did not fulfill the daily quota of working. Instead of writing, you can check quotations, bibliography, etc. And remember to record what you checked to make the progress faster. 

15.             Take visual help
When you handle mass data, facts and ideas, you should convert the whole thing into visual representation like diagram or chart. You can use index cards or stick the cards on a magnetic white broad. Move the cards around when needed and draw lines to show relationships among them. Click photos of the whiteboard in a different stage so that you can record the progress of your work and return to the starting point when needed. 

16.             One bite a time
You need to take one step at time. Like, instead of thinking of writing the whole dissertation, think of finishing chapters, sections pages and even sentences. Whether you write for certain time limit or at a certain pace, the important thing is to do the work every day. 

17.             Don’t let formatting consume your time
Formatting the whole document is a big challenge to complete writing the dissertation. But it gets much easier when you outsource the work to an online Custom Dissertation Help agency or hire an editor to do it. Alternatively, you can find YouTube videos for each formatting challenge you face. For example, you can find a tutorial for the formatting style you are dealing with. Use headline styles in Microsoft word to create Automated Table of Contents. This was you can easily see the structure of your argument and instantly update every time you alter the outline. 

18.             Honor the connection between writing and thinking
You have to accept the fact that writing is thinking. Great ideas do not come along after even long hours of arduous musing on the dissertation topic. But brilliant ideas always appear during the course of writing itself – just at the moment when you are staring at seemingly intractable problem and planning to quit. It is you who has to decide what strategy works best for you. 

19.             Use technology to sort book in library
You spend quality time in library aisles sorting the books before you decide which ones to use. Every time you go to a library, you spend meticulous hours to find the book that you previously used or take notes from it. Think again, is it really necessary? Instead, use your phone to take photos of book’s copyright pages and key passages. This will be much quicker than using the library scanner or writing notes by hand. 

20.             Consider an advice carefully before implementing it
During the course of Custom Dissertation Writing Services, you are bound to get conflicting advice on your research and your efforts to carry out the task. Don’t get frustrated and do not let this affect your work pace and quality. Weigh the advice carefully; consult with the person for more explanation. After assessing all options, you need to make the best decision. Keep in mind that like everything, academic work is also a complex work. You cannot please everyone at the same time. 

21.             Be sure you know when it will end
Sometimes your supervisor or advisor will encourage by saying ‘you are nearly there’. But you need to have a specific idea. Are you three months away? Do you have six months’ work left? Or is it just one month load? You require the information because you will prepare yourself accordingly. 

22.             As you reach mini-milestone, celebrate your achievement
When you celebrate your success, you are inspired to make more of it. Every time you hand in a complete chapter or make your way through the thickest notes, reward yourself. It can be anything that you like the most, like a trip to a pub, hot fudge sundae, a new of pair of shoes. 

23.             Outsource and barter when you can
Your graphic designer friend is ready to create diagrams and charts for you. In return, you promise to dog-sit for her. You need to proofread the whole document for the last time before submitting it for evaluation. But you have other things that need your immediate attention. In this situation, you can take help from professionals. Pay for the services, in exchange, they will deliver the whole document after proofreading it carefully. 

If you have read all the way to the end of the list, that’s a sign that you really want to accomplish your dissertation quickly. Now all that remains is to put these strategies in action and see what works for you. We hope these suggestions will help you reach the finishing line faster. But always remember you need to maintain a balance between the need for speed and other considerations like polishing professional skills. Don’t let Custom Dissertation Writing Help Services consume your whole life.

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